
Forex Capital Markets

Currency trading

JSP and WordPress development as a Front-End Senior Web Developer for FXCM’s global properties. Tasked with creating custom widgets to display financial information, custom form layouts to gather data, and maintain content to keep pace with ever changing laws.

Forex Capital Markets

Project Role:Front-end eveloper

A leader in the currency trading market place, FXCM is a global power house providing spread bet and Forex CFD trading services. They have the tools to help you succeed at all levels, from the newbie to the 24/7 pro trader – FXCM empowers traders around the world.

Forex Capital Markets's fullscreen image
Custom CSS shapes's image

Custom CSS shapes

Highlighting the important information

Static images to contain flexible text rarely works these days. In order to ensure any amount of text would format correctly custom triangle shapes were attached to the :before and :after pseudo classes to give the illusion of word balloons.

Landing page builder's image

Landing page builder

Enabling the marketing machine

Using WordPress, a highly customized theme was created with Visual Composer and WPML to allow the FXCM marketing team to build customized pages and utilize advanced widgets

Organized file structure's image

Organized file structure

Making a developer's life easier

The FXCM code base is extremely organized with all script and style files attached to dependencies much like WebPack. This allows the support of legacy sites as well as new to live in the same environment free of conflicts and easy to append.

Multiple languages

English, French, Spanish, and Japanese to name a few FXCM's websites must be translated for each users preferred language.

Market scanner

A holdover from buying out another company; this widget had to be rebuilt from the ground up to meet the multi-language needs of FXCM.

Landing page widgets

A huge amount of customization went into the FXCM Landing Page Builder such as: templates by language, JSON to HTML table, and more.

Forex Capital Markets's fullscreen image

Contact Me

For when you're looking for a quote, or just wanting to shoot the bull.