
Attack on Titan

Attack on Theatrical

Building the theatrical website for the live action Attack on Titan franchise included some special components such as a theater locator, user-flow interface, and an atmosphere to drive hype for fans and collect emails.

Attack on Titan

Project Role:Front-end development

Probably the biggest thing in anime in nearly five years, AToT has blown up in its niche fandom. The purpose of this website was to sell tickets to the two movie showings for parts one & two. By using quadrants to weave the user through the sites navigation we were able to keep the flow simple and direct. Lowering the number of clicks was important so we included direct information inputs for items like email signups, and ticket locations. Not only did we have to reach an extremely niche fandom, but this fandom needed to be communicated with on where and how they could watch the new films.

Attack on Titan's fullscreen image
Slide in video player's image

Slide in video player

Unique Youtube embeds

Instead of having a static Youtube iframe sitting on the page, I designed a dynamic screen-take that pulls the video ID from the anchor tag and creates a new iframe from it.

Custom menu icon's image

Custom menu icon

Slicing the hamburger menu

Attack on Titan has unique weapons for killing monsters in the movie. By using them as part of the site’s navigation it increased the site’s continuity.

User friendly navigation's image

User friendly navigation

Creation of the quadrant system

Dividing the site into four main chunks allowed us to control the user flow in order to help drive ticket sales. Once on phone size, this was replaced by drop-down systems.

Slicing up the hamburger

Using the main weapon from the movie as a hamburger menu icon added another level of depth to the website.

Tickets on all devices

Most of our audience visited the site on a smartphone; and we met this challenge with a fully functioning mobile-friendly design.

Design + development

Extreme knowledge of this property enabled me to not only design this site for its story but also to develop it to meet our fans needs.

Attack on Titan's fullscreen image

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For when you're looking for a quote, or just wanting to shoot the bull.